STAX. has partnered with i=Change to give $1 from every sale to a life-changing project

“At STAX. we believe in the power of giving back. We recognise the importance of supporting communities and protecting the planet for future generations. That’s why we are proud to have partnered with i=Change to support charities that share our vision. By contributing to these initiatives, we aim to create a positive impact that extends far beyond our brand.”

- Don & Matilda Robertson



Women’s Community Shelters

Women’s Community Shelters is dedicated to providing women and children with a safe place to stay and an opportunity to rebuild their lives.

$50 = provides a hot meal and a safe, comfortable place to stay for one night (for a woman and her children)

The Australian Literacy & Numeracy Foundation
The Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation is transforming lives through community-driven, ground-breaking and best practice literacy programs. Working in English and Indigenous First Languages, ALNF is committed to creating sustainable, long-term change.

$12 = pays for a day of specialised literacy support in an Indigenous community

Greening Australia

Greening Australia aims to restore 330,000 hectares of native trees across Australia by 2030. This is one of the world’s largest and most ambitious ecological restoration programs.

$50 = plants enough trees and shrubs to store 1 tonne of carbon dioxide

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